An SBS Investigates interview with security guard Bol Kuol was abruptly interrupted by a racist troublemaker in St Marys, a suburb in western Sydney known for its multicultural community.
This episode focuses on unemployment rates among the Dinka people in Australia and the difficulties some migrants face in finding work.
The unemployment rate for Dinka-speaking immigrants from South Sudan is 7.8%, nearly double the national rate of 4.2.
SBS spoke to two men who both graduated from Australian universities but still needed to find work in their respective fields years after graduation.
Mr. Kuhl said he had applied for 73 jobs but had not received a single interview invitation.
Unfortunately, as Mr. Kuhl spoke about belonging, an angry voice suddenly sounded off-camera.
“We’re not going to stop talking when you talk this crap, man,” the unidentified man said.
Bol became visibly frustrated and distressed.
“We were here before all this happened. Why don’t you ask him what he can get by coming to Australia?” the passerby continued
“Fuck the house, the car, the money, the job.
“They took everything from us, and you’re worried about their black asses?”
Social media commentators called the man’s comments “shameful” and called on the anchor to reveal his identity.
Mr. Kuhl said he had applied for 73 jobs but had not received a single interview invitation.
“Shameful. I’m ashamed to be Australian. I’m sorry you’ve been racist, Pol. We need to do better,” one person wrote under the video on social media.
“More people need to see this. In 2000 it was Arabs, in the 90s it was Asians, in the 70s and 80s it was Europeans. The targets change but the hate is the same,” wrote another.
“Unfortunately this is not surprising. Poor guy doesn’t deserve such ignorance and hatred! Wishing him all the best now and in the future,” another commented.